Do sit-ups, before or after running?


The abs help build a strong core, essential for maintaining posture when running. If you practice running, these exercises should be part of your workouts. Do you want to know if it is better to do the crunches before or after the race? We will tell you.

There is no definitive answer. Coaches agree that a runner should not only train running, but complete that basic training with strength exercises that involve muscle development such as starting push-ups and sit-ups. The best time to practice them will depend mainly on your goals. Wanting to lose weight is not the same as wanting abs to show off as a “tablet”. Training must always be personalized. Only taking into account your physical characteristics, the goals that you have set and the type of race you practice (kilometers, surface, speed…) will you be able to decide whether to do your sit-ups before or after running. Keep reading to know more.

Which is better, do cardio or sit-ups first?

If you want to stay in shape, even lose weight, and also your goal is to tighten the abdomen to have a firm core that gives you greater stability in each stride, as a general rule it is preferable to do the abdominals after running or practicing any other activity that involves intense cardiovascular exercise. The main advantages of working abs after the race, pointed out by personal trainers are:

Greater running endurance and more effective cardio

Logically, if you start running after an intense sit-up session, your body will have made a previous effort that will take away your energy in the race. If abs start your running workout “exhausted”, they don’t make much sense. Remember that the burning of calories when you do cardio begins after at least 30 minutes of exercise. If your abs result in you not being able to run that minimum time, you will not be able to take advantage of one of the benefits that running offers you: the effective burning of fat.

Lumbar relief and lower body rest

Running is one of the most complete aerobic exercise, but it must not be forgotten that it is a high-impact activity. The muscles and joints of your legs work hard in the race and also the lower back receives the impact of each step. Finishing the cardio with a gentle sit-up session helps relieve lower back strain, thanks to the range of motion these exercises imply. In addition, in them, the legs intervene minimally, so the abdominals suppose a rest for the lower extremities.

Greater definition of the core muscles

Most coaches recommend doing sit-ups after running because in this way cardio becomes the best “warm-up” prior to post-strength exercise. Running involves a high consumption of energy, which is obtained, first of all, from available carbohydrates. If the carbohydrates are already burned in the race, when, later, you do sit-ups, your body will pull the accumulated fat, achieving a greater definition of the abdominal muscles.

What sit-ups to do before or after running?

Running and abs are a good team and these strength exercises should be part of your training in the way and when you notice that they are most effective for you. There are no exact rules. Some runners prefer to do sit-ups before the race to tighten up the core muscles before starting. Also, many runners choose to run and strength train every other day. They are all valid options so choose the one you prefer but remember that incorporating abs into your workouts is always a good idea.

Whether you decide to do the crunches before or after cardio, it is always recommended that you opt for short series of isometric crunches, those that do not involve movement and that are the most recommended for runners who want to have a steel core that helps them improve their own brands, also helping to avoid possible injuries.


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