The importance of proteins in sport


They are one of the large groups of macronutrients that we all need to ingest daily through our diet. In the case of athletes, taking it in sufficient quantities is essential to maintain health and fitness. We tell you why proteins are so important in sports, below.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of weight daily. For those who train daily or carry out intense physical activity, this figure should increase and reach or exceed 1.5 – 2 grams per kg / day. The reason is simple: if carbohydrates are the main source from which the body obtains the energy it needs, proteins are essential for the development and proper maintenance of our muscles as a whole. Do you want more reasons that support the importance of protein in sports?

Why is protein important in the sports diet?

The proteins are “super – molecules” formed by different chains of amino acids, building blocks for our own existence, some of them essential, which means that our body is unable to produce them and we have necessarily to get them through food. Protein plays a decisive role in sports, whether you do a physical activity that involves endurance, or if your thing is strength training. The main reasons are:

  • It is essential for the formation of the different body tissues. We could compare proteins with “bricks”, essential to repair and build our muscle fibers and also to achieve their desired growth. Tendons, ligaments the very cellular structure of vital organs or even our hair or nails, depends on the adequate presence of protein in the body.
  • Protein also intervenes in the correct distribution, through the bloodstream, of basic nutrients for sports performance such   as oxygen and glucose, making them reach where they are most needed, especially to the muscles when they are at full effort while they exercise. With a protein deficit, training loses its effectiveness.
  • It helps to strengthen the immune system by increasing defenses and protecting us from the most common diseases.
  • Proteins are another source of energy, which our body can turn to when carbohydrate and fat reserves are insufficient.

Sports and high protein diet

The protein is important for sport and physical activity to get you report all of its benefits. If you regularly exercise, watch that your intake through food is adequate. Protein-based sports supplements can be very useful, but a correct and balanced diet can provide you with all the amount of protein you need in the most natural way.

Include in your different menus foods rich in protein of high biological value, one that contains all the essential amino acids that your body needs so much. When preparing your different menus, include for example:

– Lean meats. Especially beef and poultry (chicken and turkey).

– Fish. On oily fish because they are not only an extraordinary source of quality protein, but also of fatty acids that are as essential as they are healthy.

– Nuts. With almonds and walnuts at the top.

– Vegetables and legumes. Although vegetable protein is not of optimal quality, combined with other foods, especially cereals, it cannot be lacking in the protein diet of an athlete. As for legumes, lentils are the ones that provide the most protein.

– Eggs. Few foods are so recommended when it comes to obtaining the most complete protein that an athlete requires. In its clear you have all the essential amino acids that will make your muscles grow. Do not forget to include them in your protein breakfasts before training.

– Milk and dairy. Milk protein is one of those that cannot be missed if you want to perform at your best in your sports activity.


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