How to gain muscle without hitting the gym


Often times, people who train think that going to the gym is vital to building muscle. However, today we are going to show you how to gain muscle without stepping on the gym. It is necessary to remember that physical training is not limited only to the gym. Without ever entering the weight room of the gym, you can also improve your general physical condition and develop muscle mass. What you are going to need is simply a little discipline and the following tips to train at home or outdoors, without going to the gym.

Now you are going to learn how to work and bulk up your muscles without the fancy equipment found in gyms:

Exercises to increase muscle mass without going to the gym

Many trainers believe that exercises that use body weight instead of artificial weights are better designed to increase muscle mass gains. These exercises use the body as an active weight and thus increase the volume of the muscles. In addition to the exercises to gain strength at home that we propose, some of these exercises to gain muscles without going to the gym would be the following:


Perhaps the most effective exercise for developing your pecks or chest muscles is push- ups. This exercise also helps build muscle throughout the triceps and biceps and is great for gaining muscle without hitting the gym. Some people equate push-ups with the use of the press-bank.

The principle of this exercise is quite simple, so you can do push-ups at home as long as you know the technique well. The arms and core muscles are necessary to lift him off the ground and bring you back to the starting position. This exercise uses the entire body as the weight.

If you position your hands closer, that is, the grip pushups closer, the muscles of the arms, especially the triceps, are worked more. If you use a wider stance with your arms, the emphasis shifts to your chest.

Pull-Ups or chin-ups

It is important that you learn to do pull- ups from scratch with the supervision of a qualified trainer or monitor. Pull-ups are considered the most basic training exercises for gaining muscle, as they help maximize benefits for your back, neck, and arms.

This exercise should be done for the maximum number of repetitions that can be supported. In this way, at least one more is achieved each time, and progress, despite being slow, is tremendously effective.

Squats or squats

Squatting is the undisputed queen of all exercises if you want to develop a proportional muscular body. If your goal is to gain muscle without going to the gym, squats are an essential exercise. In addition, they help you define your legs and glutes and increase strength in the lower extremities.

Squats also help tone the core and work on balance and coordination.


Among the many exercises that help you build muscle mass in and around the waist, sit-ups are considered the most effective. Yes, you need to combine a bit of cardio to burn some fat, but defining your abs or simply flattening your stomach is achieved through many exercises of this type.

Before you start doing crunches from scratch, it is important that you learn your execution technique well and design your training routine to gain muscle and tone your core progressively.

Now you know the main exercises to gain muscle without stepping in the gym. Take advantage of them.


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