The best tips to overcome a long career


Are you facing your first 10K? Are you going to participate in a half marathon? Do you dare with the marathon? Optimal preparation is essential to face any of these tests and also, to reach the finish line in good condition, it is important to put into practice some basic tips to overcome a long race. Keep them in mind!

Running for hours requires physical and mental strength. It is not something you can improvise and requires prior, well-planned training, the goal of which is to increase your endurance. Consider a number of kilometers determined as “long distance”, it depends on the level of each runner. It may be that for you, 5K – 10K are already considerable routes and overcoming them requires a significant effort for which you must prepare yourself thoroughly.

The food, equipment, rhythm or breathing are many factors that influence when overcoming a long career. Knowing them is essential to meet your goal in running: resist and reach the goal.

The keys to running long distances

Those kilometers you face are a real challenge and facing them with a positive mindset is essential to take the first step. Trust in your own possibilities, be able to visualize successfully reaching the finish line, imagine the race dividing it into small stages that, of course, you will be able to complete … these are simple mental preparation exercises that can be of great help before to get going. In this sense, there are many runners who include yoga and meditation as part of their training to be able to overcome a long journey.

In addition to the psychological preparation, when the time of the big test comes, take a look at the following tips that will help you reach the goal in a long race. Keep reading!

With enough energy

You cannot overcome your first marathon or devour kilometers and kilometers if your body does not have the necessary energy. In this sense, what you eat in the hours before the race will influence your performance and your endurance. The carbohydrates are essential to overcome a long career. Cereals such as oats, wheat or rice, which provide slow-absorbing carbohydrates, must be present in your diet prior to exercise. With them, your body will obtain energy as it needs it. Without enough “fuel” you will not be able to complete a race that may last hours.

Maximum hydration

If what you eat matters, the liquids you drink, even more. Take into account the loss of water and mineral salts involved in running a considerable number of kilometers. Proper hydration, even taking small sips during the course, is essential for any runner facing a long-distance event. Good hydration is essential to guarantee reaching the finish line, avoiding fatigue or dreadful dizziness.

Set your pace

It is unthinkable to try to participate in a long race at your maximum speed. Knowing how to dose the effort is fundamental to pass the test. You have to find a pace at which you run comfortably, always slightly below that maximum level that you may have reached during workouts. You can make slight variations in your running rhythm, combining speeds and even establishing a few seconds in which you will walk, to give your body recovery time. Remember that your first goal is to complete the tour. If you go too fast, you will surely be exhausted before your time.

Control your breathing

Getting your muscles to get all the oxygen they need to take each stride is another key to getting through a long run. This is why breathing well is so important in running. Breathe in through your nose, filling your lungs well with air, and breathe out through your mouth. If at any given moment, you notice that you are short of air, replace this deeper breath with a shallow one, that is, breathe (breathe in) through your mouth so that you get an extra oxygen that will be great for you to continue moving forward.

Make a good recovery

Once the challenge is over, give your body the minutes it needs to recover after a tough run. Strengthen your hydration and do not forget to do some stretches that help muscle relaxation. A good massage can also be an excellent reward for your lower extremities that have earned it!


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