Is it true that fats help destroy muscle?


It is nothing new to say that to be fit and gain quality of life, we must eliminate Tran’s fats from our diet. These are processed breads, cookies and other industrial foods that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, in addition to being harmful to our weight and our health. But in addition to that, a recent study conducted by Loma Linda University in California, has concluded that these types of fats can also destroy muscle.

That’s right, if we make use of fast food and industrial seasonings, we are not only playing tricks on our heart, but on top of that, we are loading our muscle. Why does this happen? Well, apparently, when ingesting these fats, they interfere with the absorption of amino acids, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis and helping our muscles break down.

Not all fats are bad

It is important to specify that humans need fat to function and to build muscle in a healthy way. Although it is true that when we hear the word fat, many of us throw our hands at our heads, we must learn that there are three types of fat, and knowing them will help us clear up many doubts.

  • Saturated fats. These types of fats increase bad cholesterol, but they are also necessary to produce testosterone and help fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Unsaturated fats. Like saturated fats, unsaturated fats have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, they help lower cholesterol and also build muscle. The downside is that they are easily oxidized to form free radicals.
  • Tran saturated fats.  Unlike the other two types of fats, trans-saturated fats only give us negative effects. Among them, the increase in bad cholesterol stands out and, of course, they favor the deterioration of the muscle.

What foods can harm muscles?

The food influences sports injuries, as you explain your doctor or nutritionist. We all know the typical fast food chains or industrial pastries that do so much harm to our health in general and our muscles in particular. However, we should review those foods rich in fat and that damage the muscles, so that we are clear about what we can eat and what not before and after exercising:

The alcohol

For starters, it will be rare that you can train and exercise your muscle if you live in a constant hangover. But also, we have to know that when we consume alcohol, we are consuming empty calories that go directly to our liver. Another negative issue is that, by drinking alcohol, we are interfering with the process of our nutrients.

Fruit juice

It does not matter that they are natural, fruit juices are never going to replace the properties that a whole fruit can give you, and if they are packaged, much worse. On the contrary, consuming fruits in a natural way can help you gain muscle and also not accumulate that fat that we eat. Therefore, forget about drinking the vitamins and eat the fruit in bites.

Industrial pastries

Donuts, chocolate shells, No one is bitter about a sweet, and although delicious, these foods can play a trick on us if we abuse them, at the same time that you should not include them in your diet to tone up. It is a food that mixes sugar with refined flours and fats, a perfect combination to gain weight and lose muscle.

Fatty sausages

It does not mean that we cannot eat sausage, but it does mean that we have to choose well what we eat to exercise. For example, instead of throwing yourself like a maniac at the chorizos, try the loin, the shoulder or the jerky. They are sausages that have a high protein content and will help you better metabolize what you eat.

Isotonic drinks

When we want to gain energy before exercising or after doing sports, we can have one of these drinks. Of course, if you are one of those who have taken a liking to them and take them at all hours, you can already say goodbye if you do not want to gain weight quickly.


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