Prepare your ideal gym workout for runners


Many runners may come to think that the basis of their training is fundamentally developed simply by running. But the truth is that we can prepare much better with a workout in the gym, if we perform specific bodybuilding exercises for runners. These workouts are usually carried out on the days that you do not go running, although it is not exclusive. Certain strength exercises are the backbone of a good workout to improve our endurance.

If you want to design a cross training for runners and combine bodybuilding exercises with running, do not hesitate to continue reading. We discover all the possibilities!

4 easy strength workouts for runners

When planning your training as a runner, you should include general strengthening phases, such as strengthening the specific areas that work during the race, training on slopes and explosive work. The goal will always be to maximize our physical condition to run more and better.

The mix and match of these specific exercises for runners in the gym will not only help you in the prevention of injuries, it will also develop the strength, and agility and explosiveness you need to conquer your challenges.

1. Tables

It is one of the best abs exercises for runners. Get on your elbows with your feet slightly apart. Keep your whole body in line with your back. Bring all the tension to your abs by making sure your shoulders are directly above your elbows. These should be down and back, not hunched up.

Hold this position for 45 seconds to a minute. Gradually time will be added as the abdomen strengthens.

  • Modifications: Plank variations include: side planks for working obliques, single leg planks, spider planks, mountain climber planks, and supine planks.
  • Reps: 3 to 5
  • Muscles worked: abdomen, core, lower back, shoulders

2. Russian turn

If you want to perform this strength exercise for runners, lie on your back with your upper legs perpendicular to the ground and your knees bent 90 degrees. Without changing the curvature of your hips or knees, lower your legs to the left side of your body while keeping your shoulders in contact with the ground. Raise them to the starting position and repeat the operation towards the right side of the body. That is a repeat.

  • Modification: To make it more difficult, you can keep your legs straight.
  • Reps: 10 to 12
  • Muscles worked: core

3. The scorpion

Lie on your stomach with your arms on your forehead, but your hips resting on the side and your feet back. Raise your right knee toward your left shoulder while rotating your hips up and to the left as much as you can.

Then reverse directions, turning your hips up and to the right, trying to touch the back of your left shoulder with your right foot (you won’t be able to). That is a repeat. Continue for 30 seconds with your right leg and then switch legs.

  • Modifications: To make it easier, do the first step of the exercise by turning in one direction only. To make it more difficult, you can do the exercise with your shins on a stability ball.
  • Reps: As many as you can in 30 seconds
  • Muscles worked: shoulders, core, obliques

4. Back extensions

For this training in the perfect gym for runners, we must lie face down on a stability ball, with our feet open to maintain balance. The elbows should be bent with the hands slightly touching the ground for initial support.

Squeeze your glutes and lift your torso until your body forms a straight line. As you lift your torso, allow your hands to lift off the ground, keeping your elbows bent. Extend your arms above your head and hold them there for a second or two. Release your arms and then your torso to the starting position. That is a repeat. They should be done from 10 to 12.

If you don’t have a stability ball, you can also perform the movement on a mat. In this case, you will have to lift your thighs and arms off the ground while your torso remains in contact with the ground.

  • Modifications: To make it more difficult, you can hold light dumbbells in your hands.
  • Reps: 10 to 12
  • Muscles worked: lower back, glutes, mid back, shoulders

Remember to stretch to recover your muscles and avoid possible discomfort after training.


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