Improve your running performance with Body Weight Training


Do you practice running often and want to have a core stronger and stronger legs that help you improve your career marks? Well, discover how to improve your running performance with Body Weight Training, in a short time and with results that will surprise you.

It is a strength training in which you work with your own body weight. The Body Weight Training consists of performing, therefore, a series of callisthenic exercises that are the perfect complement to improve with anything new session. Greater flexibility, more power and long-distance resistance are just some of the “extras” that you will get if you combine running with Body Weight Training.

What does Body Weight Training bring to a runner?

Although you can adapt the level of demand to your general physical condition, Body Weight is an intense training that brings multiple benefits to runners willing to improve and reach new goals. If you decide to try it and start cross training, after a few weeks you will see that doing Body Weight will improve your performance in an obvious way, because this training method favors:

1. Stronger Core

A firm and stable trunk, with the right development of the abdominal and back muscles, is essential for any runner. If you have a robust and solid core, you will have a better balance in the race, and you will be able to maintain the ideal posture in each stride without costing you any effort. By training with your own weight and following a cross training for runners, you gain strength and stability in your central zone and thus Body Weight Training will increase your running performance.

2. Greater flexibility and agility

Squats, dips, pull-ups, abdominals. The Body Weight includes varied exercises that complement the training of a runner by increasing mobility and agility of all their muscles and joints and not only of the lower extremities. It is a complete and effective training so that you “take off” in each race

3. More power in the stride

Calisthenics work involves developing muscle and strength with long-lasting results that translate into more powerful arms and legs. The Body Weight Training will make you run faster with each of your steps, propelling you with your legs and also with your perfectly coordinated arms.

4. Less risk of injury

Running is a high-impact aerobic activity and any training that involves strengthening your muscles will minimize the negative effects of that impact. The firm core will act as a corset to protect your spine and the muscles of your legs and arms will also help your ligaments and joints suffer as little as possible.

How to combine running and Body Weight Training

Do you want to combine running and gym? You should know that both disciplines are compatible and even complementary workouts so, if you want, sign up for Body Weight Training to perform more running. There is no exact plan that is the same for all runners but, in general, coaches advise doing the different types of training on alternate days and always respecting the necessary breaks.

Doing both workouts on the same day is another possible option, but in this case, remember that it is preferable to perform aerobic activity first and leave strength work for after the race. Strengthening your muscles, improving your overall fitness, losing weight and improving your performance while running is possible by including Body Weight in your training routine.

If you want to try, dedicate one day a week to the practice of some essential exercises such as:

  • Push-ups. Perfect for working the muscles of the arms that will help to give you a greater boost in the race.
  • ABS. Basics to achieve a strong core that guarantees your stability and good posture when running.
  • Squats One of the exercises that cannot be missing in the training of a runner to tone legs and buttocks.
  • Lunges (strides). You will gain strength and elasticity in the lower extremities.
  • Dominated. To strengthen arms and back.
  • Leg raises. Essential stretches to work your legs without impact and gaining elasticity.


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