Types of training routines according to your goals


When it comes to training, one should choose training routines according to their goals. Because there must be some goals according to your current physical condition, and what you want to achieve. If you have just started in the gym or prefer to train at home, it is important to know the training routines according to the objectives you have, as we show you below.

How many types of workout routines are there?

Among the different goals you can find to choose the best training routine are to gain or lose muscle, lose fat, lose weight , tone, increase strength, etc.

In short, if we want to improve our sports performance and get fit, we will achieve it by following different training routines depending on our objectives. Once these goals are defined, we will have already taken the first key step in creating a perfect training routine.

Routines to build muscle

If you are looking to increase your muscles, you should design a training routine that focuses on the engine room. There you will find weights, dumbbells, kettle bells and all the machines you need to work all muscle groups.

Remember to focus on lifting heavy weights in fewer reps, but with high effort. In this way, the muscle develops faster. Don’t forget to finish each session with at least ten minutes of cardio by running on the treadmill, elliptical, or on the stationary bike.

Routines to lose fat

In the event that what you want is to lose fat, we recommend you sign up for all the classes you can in your gym. Extreme Shape, GAP, Body Pump and the most moved like Body Combat or Body Attack.

These sessions ensure a great calorie burn and fat loss. They are also a great way to make the most of your time, since you undergo 30, 45 or 50 minutes of group and directed training, where the breaks are few and fast.

Routines to gain muscle

Most of the people who go to a gym or train, have the goal of losing weight, becoming slimmer, etc. However, many people also feel uncomfortable about being too thin, and their goal is to gain muscle mass and tone. Because we should not fall into the trap of getting fat based on foods high in fat. It is about gaining weight based on more body mass and muscles.

To do this, we will design a weekly training plan based on strength, which helps us increase the size of the back, legs, arms and chest.

Routines to lose weight

If your goal is to lose weight, a combination of cardiovascular-type workouts with strength sessions will be ideal. Start with cardiovascular work to break a sweat, and get the machine going. After a few weeks, start with strength training that will help you keep your body in place, lose fat and reduce skin in a natural way.

Otherwise, imagine that you only do cardio, you may find yourself with a great weight loss that, not having been toned with strength training, has caused a hanging appearance of the excess skin, be careful with this.

To improve performance

If you want to improve your performance, it is best to find a training center that can offer you HIIT- type classes. This means High Intensity Interval Training, and it is about short, half-hour classes in which a lot of intensity is used in exercises that require your 100%.

Now you know that depending on your goals, you will have to follow a different type of training. The most important thing is that, whether in a gym or outdoors, you are always accompanied by a professional or personal trainer who can instruct you to train properly and achieve your goals.


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